Door-to-door gun confiscations begin in New Zealand; one gun owner already dead, thousands targeted by armed government thugs Take notice folks…this is what Liberal Fascism looks like when it goes unchecked. Stand Tall Against the Rising Tide. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
Red Flag” ERPO Bill Passes the Colorado State Senate by ONE VOTE! 18-17
Red Flag” ERPO Bill Passes the Colorado State Senate by ONE VOTE! 18-17 I have been keeping up with this since it all started because the end result will have NATIONAL implications. Unfortunately, this is the direction the ‘legal winds’ are blowing all over this country when it comes to Red Flag Laws and as…
Why Colorado’s Red Flag ERPO Bill Is The Most Dangerous In The Nation
Why Colorado’s Red Flag ERPO Bill Is The Most Dangerous In The Nation “Gun Owner Specific Civil Search Warrant” Not only is the Second Amendment under attack, but the Fourth as well. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
New Zealand to start confiscating “Military style” firearms
Textbook example of knee jerk Liberalism..Something that could be coming here very soon. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Action This Day!
Run, Hide Or Fight, NZ Hero Abdul Aziz Choose To Fight Some people CHOOSE to Fight and not RUN when the chips are down. “The will to survive is not as important as the will to prevail… the answer to criminal aggression is retaliation.” -Jeff Cooper While reading this article a nagging thought kept…
Hard Lessons: Urban Survival
Hard Lessons: Urban Survival “If I asked how to go become a Hunter-Gatherer, how would you respond? Even if you were one long ago, it would be difficult. We’re talking about nothing short of an utter redefinition of how you live, your identity and role in society, and entrance into a new culture. How…
The Concealed Carry Trap – Are You Caught in it?
THE CONCEALED CARRY TRAP – ARE YOU CAUGHT IN IT? The name of the game is always CHALLENGING yourself; Never get comfortable in where you are skills wise with a firearm! NEVER! Honestly answer these 10 questions and if you find yourself lacking, find or design a training plan that is realistic and practical and…
The Dangers of Universal Background Check Legislation
THE DANGERS OF UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECK LEGISLATION Massad Ayoob covers one the dangers of Universal Background Checks I bet few people have considered. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Gun Control Activist Caught Texting Desire To Murder Pro-Gun Speakers
If you are a Constitutional Conservative, you don’t have to debate or prove your point against the ever increasing VIOLENT left…they justify your position by their ACTIONS everyday! So step aside and let their self-destruction continue by all means!! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Some Republicans Now Want Gun Confiscation
Some Republicans Now Want Gun Confiscation I have been warning people about these “Red Flag” laws since they first came about. Let’s be clear: You cannot be Pro 2A Constitutional Conservative AND support ERPO’s! Lest we forget, Besides all the RINO traitors in the Senate like Graham, you also have the NRA and President Trump…