Hero Customer Who Shot Armed Robber at Houston Taco Joint Ordered to Face Grand Jury by Soros-Funded D.A. It has reached the point in FUSA where it is not even shocking that we hear about a Soros subsidized Houston District Attorney (Kim Ogg) who released a hardened criminal back into society on a ridiculous…
Category: Armed Citizen Corner Video
It Pay’s to Always Be Armed
HOUSTON – Police say a customer shot and killed a suspect who was robbing other patrons inside of a Houston restaurant. According to the Houston Police Department, the customer who shot the suspect left the scene, and they want to question him. He has not been charged. fox26houston.com/news/houston-robbery-suspect-shot-to-death-
The Evolution of the The QuadCopter in Modern Warfare
The Evolution of the QuadCopter in Modern Warfare The pinnacle of this tactic is a Chinese-made DJI Mavic quadcopter – easy to procure, easy to fly/ navigate, it became absolutely indispensable for ISR, target spotting, artillery correction and combat missions like “kamikaze attacks”, dropping small bombs and grenades.
Pain is often the result of Stupidity
Noreen Firearms ULR .50 BMG Pistol Like many of you the first word that went through my mind was WHY?
11 Best Night Vision Scopes: Tier 1 Operators, Hunters, and Competitors
11 Best Night Vision Scopes: Tier 1 Operators, Hunters, and Competitors Excellent Overview of a few NV scopes. Remember: If you want to OWN the Night you not only have to have the GEAR but also the TRAINING.
“Nobody is Coming to Save You” is now Official Police Policy
‘We cannot keep you safe’: Law enforcement officials warn about soaring crime rates and severely Understaffed Police Forces Smith told Fox News that there are currently at least 11 cities in the U.S. where law enforcement is severely understaffed, including New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Seattle, St. Louis, Louisville, Austin, San Antonio, Phoenix, and…
Know Your Glocks
What are the Differences Among the Glock Generations? Nice overview of the 5 Generations of what John Wick’s Armorer called “The new breed of Austrians.” 😉
Border War Trifecta
As a Proud Southerner and citizen of the Republic of Texas first and foremost and an “American” (what is left of FUSA anyway) second, sometimes I feel like Paul Revere, constantly ringing the warning alarm but everybody remains in a coma. Alas, I keep doing it because LEGACY demands I do it. Legacy as in…
Let’s Be Clear: We Have a Black-Gun Murder Epidemic in this Country not a “Gun Violence” Problem
Shock Videos: Brutal Executions on Streets of Philadelphia In a previous post of mine If the Shoe Fit’s Steve Sailer pointed out a glaring TRUTH that the MSM seems to conveniently want to forget: Blacks Made Up 60.4% Of Known Murder Offenders In 2021 And as Arthur Sido pointed out in his recent article,…
FUSA Headline of the Day: Escape from New York v2.0 – Pack of Female Dindu’s in Neon Jumpsuits Assault Teens on NY Subway
Train victim’s mom slams ‘Complete Animals’ in bizarre neon leotards who assaulted, robbed NYC teens An ARMED Society is a POLITE Society. Except in New York where you have to have a Congressional Hearing and a Note from the Mayor to have a 2 oz. can of pepper spray. Is it any wonder then…