Via: Gab The North American Indian had been wiping each others tribes out and enslaving each other wholesale long before Whitey turned up in clothes and with civilization. Some Indian villages had permanent torture facilities set up so they whole tribe could gather around and watch and listen to the screams of their…
Category: Ancient History
White History: The 8 Great Race Wars
We are in the 9th historic Great Race War. Global White Genocide is happening! This is history in the making! The White Race has the fighting spirit of survival in our blood. We will survive and thrive! Our ancestors, sky and nature gods and goddesses have our back. Strength is in White unity! National…
22 Rules
22 Rules In 1501, a writer and priest named Desiderius Erasmus was staying at a castle occupied by one of the orders of knights then spread throughout Europe. He met a Knight there who was rather friendly, but quite rough around the edges. The Knight’s wife begged Erasmus to help her husband, so Erasmus…
The Way of the Warrior
H/T WRSA The Way of the Warrior in Anglo-Saxon England involved far more than merely being trained in the use of weapons as I put it simply in my thread of yesterday. Of equal, or greater, importance was learning both the rituals associated with warfare and the right form of battle. 1/19 The…
The Last Valley
Diversity Watch
Diversity Watch Successful societies become bloated. It is not that they become weak, but that so many weak people appear that a market for delusion is created. Their wealth is not the cause of their problems, but it allows the weak to survive and prosper, just like technology does. In other words, we see…
Hating the Saxon
Hating the Saxon: The Academic Battle Against The English Origin Story While reading this I was reminded of Orwell’s quote: “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” Neo-Liberal Academia have been trying to revise, distort and marginalize the history of the White race to fit…
Testing Yourself
Western Hunter-Gatherer facial reconstructions and media manipulation [Short post]
Crusader Corner: ‘The Field of Blackbirds’
Kosovo’s ‘Field of Blackbirds’: The 630-Year-Old Reason Eastern Europeans Resist Islam “Those Who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” -George Santayana Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!