Underdogs have a special place in the hearts of many, whether it’s the upstart Celtic Iceni tribe led by Boudicca revolting against the Romans or the ice-veined Spartans fighting in one of history’s greatest last stands against the Persians at Thermopylae. Either through superior tactics or more technologically advanced weaponry, the outnumbered often achieve some…
Category: Ancient History
Military History: 10 Misconceptions About Famous Historical Wars and Armies
Wars and the armies that fight them are one of the most fascinating subjects to the human race. Conquest has shaped and reshaped the globe many times, and great wars will continue to alter the future course of humanity. However, while humanity loves to study and learn about wars, many of the most accepted facts…
Ancient Warfare: 11 Rome Sacking Facts About the Original Goths
May 22 is World Goth Day, an occasion minted in 2009 when BBC 6 dedicated the day to goth rock. It has since become a happening in clubs across Europe, the Americas, Australia, and South Africa. To celebrate, we’ve compiled 11 facts about the original Goths—and we don’t mean Bauhaus. Here are some things you…
Ancient History: 10 Recent Discoveries
Not very long ago, the common consensus was that “civilization” developed slowly in Europe. Outside of the Mediterranean civilizations of Greece and Italy, ancient Europe was a backwater full of barbaric tribesmen who mostly lived in hut-like dwellings. Most laymen and many historians would say that compared to Sumer, Babylon, China, Egypt, and the Indus…
History of the Middle Ages: King John, The Worst Monarch in English History?
I would be amiss not to mention the excellent Sword-play movie set during this very time period, Ironclad, with Paul Giamatti playing the role of King John. -SF When it comes to Kings (and Queens) of England, there is strong competition as to who can claim the title of being the worst in the nation’s…
Word History: 11 Craven Words for Cowards
As Writer and Historian, I have always been interested in etymology, especially regarding the subject of military history and warfare in general. If you guys have any interesting tidbits or interesting words regarding this subject, shoot me a comment. -SF From the time we’re little children, we’re taught the virtues of bravery, though not always…
Ancient History: Ye’ Merry old Days Of Spearing Those Cursed Flying Machines Called Drones
This is what happens when you fly a 21st century drone over an epic 15th century battle. Way back in the olden days, when unicorns roamed the Earth and dragons ruled the skies, before gunpowder and reflective belts and buffalo chicken MREs, your average foot soldier could throw a spear through a man’s eyeball from…
Middle Ages History: The Battle of Bouvines
Although not as famous as Hastings, Crécy or Agincourt, the 1214 Battle of Bouvines would have far-reaching consequences. In fact, the little-known clash indirectly contributed to the rise of modern-day constitutional democracy. A fighting bishop unhorses and captures a royal bastard in an obscure medieval battle and in one swift blow changes European history for centuries. The event leads…
Ancient Military History: Caractacus, The Powerful Celtic King Who Defied Rome
This is One of the earlier accounts of Guerilla Warfare used against the Romans during their time in early Britain. Here is a really good timeline of this period for those that are interested. -SF Caractacus was a king and tribal leader of the ancient Britons during the Iron Age and ruler of the Catuvellaunui,…
Ancient History: The Unknown Battle of 1250 B.C.
A battlefield of 3,250 years ago in Germany is yielding remains of wounded warriors, wooden clubs, spear points, flint and bronze arrowheads and bronze knives and swords. The gruesome scene, frozen in time by peat, is unlike anything else from the Bronze Age in Northern Europe, where, researchers thought, large-scale warfare didn’t begin until later….