Amazon Is Analyzing the Personal Relationships of Its Reviewers This is an interesting story of a reviewer who had her reviewer deleted because Amazon believed she knew the author personally. Leaving completely aside the ethics of friends reviewing friends’ books, what is Amazon doing conducting this kind of investigative surveillance? Do reviewers know that Amazon…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
Being a “Criminal” in a Mass Surveillance World
I want to warn you ahead of time, this article is extremely long and sometimes, dense. But Please, don’t give up on it! Read it all the way through, and then re-read it. After that, you will never look at cyber-security and cyber-surveillance “aka Big Brother” the same way again, I ASSURE YOU! Pay Close…
Email Security 101
Taken from the article: How to prevent the NSA from reading your Email by Raj Sabhlok It always seems to take some sort of major meltdown for people to bother to think seriously about security and privacy. Whether you’re afraid of being erroneously targeted for typing the word “bomb” one too many times or you just don’t want…
RIP Jim Frederick
Jim Frederick, the author of one of the best books on Military leadership in Small Wars and the Iraq War as a whole, Black Hearts, died an early death at 42. Rest in peace Sir. If you have not read this book, read it ASAP. Stay Dangerous.
Putting things in Perspective with ISIS
FBI has arrested 30 Muslims on U.S. soil this year for Islamic State plots JULY 2, 2015 2:50 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER The Islamic State threat metastasizes and yet not one U.S. leader has asked American Muslim groups why they have no programs to teach against its view of Islam and prevent “radicalization.” “EXCLUSIVE: The…
Netflix Pix: The Honourable Woman
Started watching this 8 part mini-series the other day not really expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised. For those of you that can tolerate British dramas, this is a keeper…it is a nice hybrid of the modern spy story with some nice twist and turns. Plus, with the Israeli/Palestine conflict as it’s main impetus and…
Intel-Overwatch News Synopsis: 6-30-15
We will either find a way, or make one– Hannibal yes the US is over invested in short range munitions, why I have been saying we cannot fight a multi front war and Russia, China, Iran know this viewpoint is still a few years off – hopefully so U.S. and Chinese warships…
Attacking the Center of Gravity
by Samuel Culper III One thing I teach in advanced Intelligence classes is what’s called “Center of Gravity” analysis. That’s a concept first described by Prussian military strategist and “cerebral savage” Carl von Clausewitz, and one that’s now used in the Army and Marine Corps to describe any idea, base, or associations that are critical…
Determination to fight ISIS
Let this brave Peshmerga Fighters example during the Battle for Mosul last year be a lesson to all of us…this man gets blown up by a friggin IED but keeps on fighting though wounded…such is the resolve of some to fight ISIS and stop these murdering assholes. Let us only hope America DEVELOPS this resolve…
Wal-Mart Policy: ISIS but not Confederates?
Just another sign that America as a whole has no friggin clue- Walmart Sorry for Making an Islamic State Cake — After Refusing Confederate Flag Cake By VICE News June 30, 2015 | 10:25 am Walmart is apologizing for baking a cake decorated with the flag of the so-called Islamic State after a Louisiana employee of the…