With the Iraqi Military’s piss -poor combat record combined with their pathetic tendency to abandon US Military hardware to the enemy (remember all those Humvees and M113 APC’s ISIS captured from the Iraqi Army and used as VBIED’s, mostly during the battle for Ramadi?) Well, now replace the Humvee with a Fighter Jet, and think…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
One Reason Why Boko Haram Exist
This article points out the fundamental “underpinning” of counter-insurgency or counter-terrorism; the surrounding populace is the lifeblood of the terrorist or guerilla group. Only by infiltrating or coercing the local populace can you then start making a dent in the enemy by disrupting their intel capabilities. by SAMUEL CULPER III One of the reasons why…
The Importance of Professional Reading
I am often asked about what I am reading and my general reading habits, so I thought I might post a short reply on a subject I feel very strongly about. In order for the Civilian Operator to continuously “sharpen” his edge, he not only needs to train regularly, but also read regularly. The best…
The Srebrenica Massacre: The Truth Revealed
This Norwegian documentary that takes quite a non-biased look at what happened in Srebrenica during the Bosnian War. The internationally accepted viewpoint is very black-and-white and ultimately labels the Serbs as evil monsters while ignoring the crimes committed by the Muslims which was what “the Srebrenica Massacre” might have been a direct consequence of. With…
That Other Racial Hate Crime you Never Heard About…
Hmmm…I guess the lamestream news airwaves were too jammed packed talking about the taking down of the Confederate Flag to talk about another Racially motivated Hate Crime..oh wait, thats not it, it is because the Victim was WHITE, right? Or could it be because this incident if talked about on the lib-tard media would go…
2nd Tunisia Terror Attack Foiled
JIHAD WATCH 2nd Tunisia jihad attack foiled, 5 Islamic State jihadis shot dead JULY 12, 2015 12:23 AM BY ROBERT SPENCER Ramadan continues. “Second Tunisia terror attack foiled: Five ISIS extremists are shot dead in Islamic stronghold as thousands of British tourists are evacuated,” by Ollie Gillman, MailOnline, July 11, 2015: Five Islamic extremists…
Book Review: The Counter-Offensive Rifle by CR Williams
I finally was able to get around to reading my friend CR Williams 3rd Volume of his Series Gunfighting and Other Thoughts about Doing Violence: The Counter-Offensive Rifle. CR has Two other books in this series, Gunfighting and Other Thoughts about Doing Violence Vols. 1 and 2; they can also be bought at Amazon HERE….
Understanding Provocation
Be sure and visit this guy site if you like Intelligence and Espionage history like me, it is jam packed with good stuff.
Backdoor Gov’t Encryption: Is it about Criminals or about you?
by Mr. A (HCS’ Resident Cyber-Gandalf) A lot of citizens would immediately think they should so that the government could better catch criminals and terrorist. After all, wouldn’t all of us want terrorist stopped and criminals caught? Of course we would. Does backdoor encryption access accomplish this, or is there something else at work? Here’s…
And This is How War Starts…
NATO missile system hacked remotely by ‘foreign source’ JULY 10, 2015 BY JOSEPH FITSANAKIS A Patriot missile system stationed in Turkey by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was allegedly hacked by a remote source, according to reports. German magazine Behörden Spiegel said this week that the hacked missile system is owned and operated by…