This is what the “caliphate” will look like in 5 years if nothing is done to STOP ISIS.
They plan to take over these areas not by means of conventional warfare, but through subversion.
It’s improbable, but so is the existence of the Islamic State today, and all its gains over the past year. And from the holdings on this map, they plan to keep advancing against the entire world, as I detail in my new book The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS.
“ISIS WARNING: Horrifying map of target countries it wants to dominate in Europe by 2020,” by Jake Burman, Express, September 14, 2015 (thanks to Lookmann):
The chilling image highlights areas the brutal terror organisation plans to seize by 2020, including Spain, China and parts of North Africa.
According to the map, ISIS plan to take control of the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe, within the next five years, to complete its caliphate.
The caliphate – a state governed by Sharia law which ISIS plan to claim – covers areas from Spain in the west to China in the east.
Andalus is the Arabic name given to the parts of Spain, Portugal and france [sic] that were occupied by the Moors between the eighth and the 15th century.
The savage terror organisation has up to 50,000 members and nearly £2billion of cash and assets…
Read the Original Article at Jihad Watch