Yesterday was a Sad Day when 4 Marines and now a Navy Petty Officer (who was wounded but succumbed to his wounds Saturday) lost their lives not on a foreign battlefield, but right here in America by the hands of a coward terrorist. My deepest sympathies and heartfelt prayers go out to the families of these…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
Here is an Ideal: Instead of pasting the picture of the face of that POS coward shooter everywhere, how about we post pictures of these heroes….and also, say a prayer for all the families as they are going through this dark time. The authorities have begun releasing the names of the four Marines killed in…
5 Fast Facts You Need to Know about the Chattanooga TN Shooter
Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know Mohammod Youssof Abdulazeez has been identified by the FBI as the gunman who fatally shot four Marines and wounded a police officer on Thursday in shootings at two military recruiting and training centers in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Abdulazeez, 24, is also dead, the FBI says. At…
Intel Overwatch News Synopsis: 7/14/15 methane on its own? I don’t think so, sides of craters are not indicative a random explosion. Psychopathic people and behaviour are found within all cultures and religions but 1 tops them all. Cultural psychological mechanisms are a natural consequence of being influenced by a religion like Islam and stemming from a 1,400…
Ever Wonder Which Words Will Flag You as a Terrorist?
I urge all my readers to go to the site listed below projectseen and experiment with words and language you use everyday in your emails and on social media sites and see which ones the NSA flags as “spook words”. by Joshua Krause By now, we all know that the NSA is spying on us. They…
Countering ISIS Propaganda
The best way to show people what ISIS is REALLY like and not what they want the world to believe them to be through their slick Propaganda videos is through documentaries and homemade cell phone video secretly filmed by people who then upload it to social media. These secret “cells” of brave activist, risk…
Time to Renew my FFL 03, now it’s time for you to get Yours!
I recently received my FFL 03 or Curio and Relics Firearms License renewal form in the mail. I originally purchased the License 3 years ago for $30. When I was a noob to the game back then I talked about becoming a CRUFFLER and since then it has allowed me to purchase numerous firearms and…
“This is not your Grandfathers Al-Qaeda”
FBI Director James Comey made this statement in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this past Wednesday in talking about ISIS. And although, not the main topic of discussion, one could since from the tone of all involved that ISIS continues to be a MAJOR concern to our Government, both in their campaigns in Iraq and…
Surplus Ammo
Not a bad primer on Surplus Ammo. For my fellow “Crufflers” out there, most of this is old news but I would pay close attention however to the IANSA’s and U.N’s perspective on surplus ammo. I will also be listing some additional companies at the end of this article besides the ones listed where you…
The Terrorist Next Door
The chances of the next big domestic terror plot by ISIS being stopped are not good folks. Sorry, but please don’t be encouraged by all these arrest that were made over the July 4th weekend the Justice Dept and FBI is making such a big show over, these were just the few knuckleheads the…