Since the lame stream, liberal lap dog media is too busy talking about STAGED PR EVENTS where muslim boys in Texas are being “discriminated” against because they bring things that sound and look like bombs to school, I wanted to offer you guys some REAL NEWS. -SF
The ethnic and religious purging of Christians today is exactly like Hitler’s ethnic cleansing of Jews in WWII,” film director Peter Spencer said. “True Christians are today obligated to rescue the perishing from the blades of the Islamic State.”
Brave and bold words, and all too rare in America these days, where naming the evil is all but illegal. The ‘Orange Resistance Movement’ seem like a strong and creative response to Muslim persecution of Christians in the Middle East and Africa. Judging from the endorsements on Mr. Spencer’s site, the message seems to be catching on among Christians and Jews. Let’s hope so.
“Filmmaker’s ‘Chilling’ Warning About the Islamic State and His Message to ‘True Christians’ About Why They Must Fight Back,” by Billy Hallowell, The Blaze, September 17, 2015:
The writer and director of a feature film about thisa group of young people who fought to save the innocent during the Holocaust has unveiled a new movement aimed at raising awareness about the dire religious persecution of Christians in the Middle East.
Read the Remainder at Jihad Watch
Please support the Wear Orange Campaign, We cannot stand idly by while innocent Christians and Jews are slaughtered by these muslim animals. It has been made clear that this Government and this President are more concerned with saving muslim “refugees” than Christians and Jews.
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