It is said what makes Stupid people Stupid is their inability not just to learn from their mistakes but also their inability to just accept COMMON LOGIC. Einstein said The definition of insanity is “Doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. Here we have a president that meets both these criteria when…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
We Are All Big Brother Now
This article presents an interesting question…in a world where connectivity and constant surveillance are a given, where is the line drawn in who is REALLY Big Brother? By exposing the wrongs of police and politicians, video-phone democracy is reinventing freedom. But is this just another form of mob rule? By MICHAEL HIRSH July 23, 2015…
America being “SubArmed”
This is the ESSENCE of Gun Control Laws in America..a slow, systematic way to shift the power balance and ensure you, the civilian, does not have the advantage when push comes to shove. This is what our Colonial forefathers warned us about….SF By Alan Korwin | Jul 27, 2015 There’s a point between fully armed…
Vehicle Ambush v2.0
The definition of hybrid warfare designates a combination of tactics and strategies; some from the conventional school, some from the asymmetrical and some from the cyber. It is this integration of cyber techniques that can make traditional and asymmetric battlefield strategies much more deadly and efficient. Imagine this: a small insurgent force, (platoon strength…
Reality Based Firearms Training for Civilians
I urge all CO’s to seek some type of realistic training like this. The Active Shooter threat that now exist out there require vastly different skill-set’s than just punching holes in paper” at a square range. Training in a 360 degree environment with real-world type scenarios using “cognitive stress” type drills will pay huge dividends…
Shooting Holes in the Willy Wonka “Golden Encryption Key” Myth
In response to a recent article in Motherboard, Mr. A had this to say…. This article gets it right, but fails to point out the motivations behind the ‘golden key’. First, the idea of a ‘golden key’ is a decryption backdoor key that only the government would possess. This, we are told, is necessary…
Intel Overwatch News Synopsis: 7/21/15
“In a world where a phrase like “all lives matter” one can only think some pigs are more equal than other pigs even though the vocal pigs want equality at the expense of the silent pigs rights.” -BCP 34 commercial flights over New Jersey report lasers- alf of the incidents reported by the…
Sources: Navy officer, Marine fought to take out Chattanooga gunman
Well it appears one of the slain Marines was armed and the Navy CO at the recruiting center was too, BOTH of them returning fire during the shooting… Seeing the govt.’s actions thus far in this incident, I doubt we will find out the truth if the rounds they fired were the ones the killed…
WW2 Rules from here on Out with Muslims and Islam
Below is Rev. Franklin Graham’s Facebook Post from July 17th in response to the Shootings in Chattanooga. It has caused a lot of controversy and the Reverend has been attacked by a lot of his own people about this.Personally, I think it is a great ideal, seeing that our Government, to date, has not…
Radicalized by Clerics..a Too Familiar Theme with these POS, when will the U.S. Learn?
Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez Downloaded Recordings From Radical Cleric, Officials Say by JONATHAN DIENST and MIGUEL ALMAGUER Did Chattanooga shooter Mohammad Abdulazeez have help? Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the gunman who allegedly killed four Marines and a Navy sailor last week in Tennessee, had downloaded audio recordings of Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-Yemeni cleric who was a recruiter…