So the official report states that the victim was shot three times by a masked white male with a 9mm suppressed pistol at close range.
The shooter then left behind three LIVE 9mm rounds and three spent shell casings in which the words “Deny, Depose, Defend” were engraved on each.
The NYPD is investigating the possible message — which appears to include the words “deny,” “depose” and “defend” — engraved on live rounds and shell casings left behind by the masked assassin after he shot Thompson, 50, several times at about 6:46 a.m. before fleeing, the sources said.
Cops had recovered three live 9-millimeter rounds and three discharged casings in front of the Hilton hotel on Sixth Avenue, where Thompson, of Minnesota, was set to host an investors’ conference that morning, police officials said.
From what I can see in the video I would speculate the malfunctions the shooter had with the pistol were Failure-to-Feed CYCLING issues due to the suppressor OR Mr. Murphy just decided to crash the party and screw things up!
My initial overall impressions are these:
The fact the shooter posted up on the corner and patiently waited for his target combined with his detailed escape plan shows this was a planned hit and not just a murder of opportunity.
The fact the shooter had cycling issues with his weapon tells me that most likely the shooter was not well versed shooting a suppressed weapon, which rules out a PROFESSIONAL ASSASSIN.
The rounds and shell casings left behind IMPLY this was a “disgruntled” citizen who either was done wrong by the company or lost a loved one due to their negligence and wanted to make show of it. As the old saying goes, “When you kill a king, you don’t stab in the dark, you kill him where the whole court can watch him die.”
Of course I could be all kinds of wrong on this.
There is the distinct possibility all of these theatrics were smoke and mirrors to disguise the REAL motive, but at this point there is no way to tell.
I will say this however: As of late I have posted a lot about Anarcho-Tyranny and how we see on a daily basis both Government and Private Corporations bend and break the so-called “law of the land” at will while the law-abiding tax payer citizen get’s the shaft with no lube.
History shows us the result of this is very often Revolutionary Criminal Insurgency where all the tenets of Guerilla Warfare are employed by citizens to include:
Sabotage in both Meat Space and the Cyber-World of critical infra-structure
Targeted Assassinations of both political and corporate figure heads.
More to Come on this as it develops.
Stay Dangerous!
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