Via: Evil White Guy
My wife and her mother were watching the news last night when video of the assassination attempt on Trump came on. I had just walked into the house and saw it myself.
I asked if she noticed the reaction of the crowd, especially directly behind Trump.
Did you notice it?
How many men wrapped themselves around their wives or girlfriends?
How many of the men and women dropped and took cover? I don’t mean duck, then pop back up. But actually took cover. Actually cover their loved ones.
No one.
No why? Because people are spectators. They have no sense of self-preservation. The men have no sense in being protectors.
You all watched the video of the shooting at Donald Trump.
Shots were fired, and how many people took cover (except Mr. Trump)? How many people at least lad down to make themselves smaller targets?
Very few.
There is active shooting. Nobody exactly knows what is happening, how many shooters there are, what kind of weapons are being used, and what more gonna be used. The majority of people are standing up, looking at what is happening, and recording scenes with cell phones.
Bit weird right?
It looks like the majority of people in SHTF will die simply because they will try to record SHTF on their phones.
“The Majority Will Die in SHTF Trying to Record It on Their Phones”
About 4-5 years ago there was a shooting at my wife’s work at the Mall. She is the Stock Manager. Not Store Manager. So, the store has policies for this scenario. My wife followed the policy. She made sure everyone, customers, were out of the store before leaving herself.
She tells me about it. She says she tried to find the Store Manager. She says she tried to find the employees. Checked the back, stock room, lunch room… all the rooms.
She couldn’t find anyone, so she finally left the building. And that is when she found them all in the parking lot, including the Store Manager. No one was worried about my wife. No one went back to the store. They left her there to follow Store Policy… on her own. She was a little upset about it.
I was livid.
So, I had my wife sit down and we had a talk.
To boil it down to a finer point: They hanged you out to dry. They left you there, despite store policy and the safety of the customers. Not one of them, including the Store Manager, gave one iota of a crap about you. No one, as they were all huddled together in the parking lot, gave one thought of going back to look for you.
Think about that. While you were being the hero, while you were going room to room making sure no one was left behind or injured… they abandoned you. As soon as they learned there was a shooter, they threw everything out the door and left you. No one even bothered to wonder were you were, if you were safe, and run back in to find you.
You know why? Because they are cowards. You could have been shot, being a hero to these people, caring about these people, caring about the customers, and they never gave you a thought. They all just stampeded.
No one went back inside looking for you while you were being the hero. No one stayed behind with you.
What does that tell you?
You could have been shot, laying on the floor, bleeding out… and not one of these people would have come for you.
I’m telling you right now, no ifs, ands, or buts… if you ever run into another shooter or any emergency, you drop what you are doing and make an immediate bee line for the closest door. Don’t run to the employees or the crowd in the parking lot. Get as far away from everyone and everything and you call me.
Do you understand that?
So what are you going to do if you run into another scenario like this?
Don’t cast your pearls to swines.
How bad is it? Some little boy got separated from his parents. HITF does a parent lose their child in a situation like this? Because they got scared and thought of nothing but escape. Not their children. The only saving grace was that my wife was there and grabbed this kid.
My poor wife had tears welling up.
I just told her that I am not willing to lose my wife because of or over these cowardly fucks.
Then I told her she was the only hero among the entire bunch… that didn’t give one iota of a crap about her. Just dwell on that some.
Reality people. No one is going to save you. All you have is yourself, and those who love you and would give their life for you.