Molon Labe: The Second Amendment is the White Man’s Ghost Dance
But soon enough, they will discover the sad truth that a White minority will be the death of the Second Amendment.
The truth is self-evident that the answer to 1984 is not 1776, but 14/88!
Preliminary estimates indicate that over half of the 6.4 million increase in the foreign-born population since January 2021—approximately 3.7 million—can be attributed to the hordes of Third-World savages flooding our once great country.
Moreover, potential adjustments to these figures could reveal even higher numbers. The demographic crisis is poised to intensify as President Biden confers amnesty upon the millions of non-white trespassers who benefited from the DACA program. Although the specifics of this plan remain undisclosed, it is expected to involve State Department consular officers recommending waivers for laws that would typically preclude illegal immigrants from entry. The purported mechanism for facilitating this pathway for DACA beneficiaries is the “D-3 Waiver”, derived from Section 212(d)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This provision empowers the government to waive grounds of inadmissibility, such as the lack of proper documentation, which would ordinarily bar an alien from entering the United States. With this waiver, these swarthy conquerors could leave and re-enter the U.S., where Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents would approve the State Department waivers, thus granting legal admission to the U.S. without the standard legal constraints.