World News: Mass Shooting in Prague – 15+ Killed! Did You Guess Moslem? Ukrainian?
The last post, from Dec. 19, said,
“I have a ringing in my ears … like some kind of f–king fireflies. I wanted to rip my ears out.”
Robert Card Was Fitted with High Power Hearing Aids BEFORE he started “Hearing Voices”
I propose if Card was indeed wearing high powered hearing aids it is highly plausible he was being intentionally targeted with some form of Electronic Warfare (possibly microwave radiation in the 1 to 2 GHz range) or some form of Psychotronic Weapon utilizing V2K (Voice to Skull) Technology.
Lastly, I have to mention the most recent Netsux Predictive Programming Obama Globo-Homo production of Leave the World Behind.
A Microwave Psychotronic Weapon is used in the movie several times.
Each time there is a ear splitting sound where ALL of the cast are effected but only one (the teenage boy) shows physical symptoms (ie his teeth falling out).
Consider all of the angles and possibilities.
More to Come.
Prepare Accordingly.