Unhinged man attacks 3 people with glass bottle in NYC rampage that began at Midtown Whole Foods
I was going to file this under Black Crime but then I thought there is a much bigger issue that needs to be addressed.
The old saying that “An Armed Society is a Polite Society” holds true.
If a criminal thinks the everyday citizen might be armed there is a fair chance he will change his plans.
Let’s face it folks, Chimp Out’s are becoming a common occurrence nowadays, with a majority of them happening in Demo-tard run Shithole cities where the 2A has been trampled on and forgotten and the average citizen has a better chance of winning the lottery than receiving a carry permit, which brings up the hot topic of the decent law abiding citizen being forced to BREAK the Law (carry a firearm for self-defense) in order to exercise his God Given and Constitutional Right to Protect himself and his family!
I used to think all of this was just pathetic politics but now I realize it is all by design.
If the decent folks are unarmed, the animals will have a easier time terrorizing and looting, thereby ushering in the Great Replacement/Reset.
Bottom Line: Stay Armed and Never Give Up Your Guns!