Happy San Jacinto Day, 2023: Texas Celebrates 187 Years Of Not Being Ruled By Mexico
Sorry folks, yesterday was extremely busy and I neglected to Celebrate a Red Letter Date in my beloved State’s History: San Jacinto Day!
The San Jacinto Column, the world’s tallest monument, was built in 1936 by Sons and Daughters of the Republic of Texas who were proud of what their ancestors had done. It couldn’t be built today.
Inscribed on it are these words:
Measured by its results, San Jacinto was one of the decisive battles of the world. The freedom of Texas from Mexico won here led to annexation and to the Mexican War, resulting in the acquisition by the United States of the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Almost one-third of the present area of the American nation, nearly a million square miles of territory, changed sovereignty.