H/T NC Renegade
In the early morning hours of December 13th, 2022, officers from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department obtained a search warrant for a residence in Bear Paw, NC after a disturbance call made to 911 dispatch hours earlier.
In addition to obtaining the search warrant, officers from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department also requested assistance from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians’ SWAT team and a siege of the residence was conducted.
Just before 5 AM that morning, SWAT officers tossed a robot equipped with cameras into the residence and awoke the sleeping couple.
After being told to “Step Outside Jason onto the Deck and Show us Your Hands” by the Police outside, the couple peacefully came to the door unarmed with Jason Harley Kloepfer only holding the Robot that was thrown into the house minutes before.
Immediately the couple was fired upon and Jason was wounded in the chest.
Of course the Police version is much different, according to them they were “Forced to shoot him after he confronted them…”????
Confronted them with what? Their own robot?
This is FUSA in 2023 Folks.
A bunch of inept, untrained and trigger happy asshat cops that will attempt to murder you in your own home at the drop of a hat.
Prepare Accordingly.