A Tactical Hermit Original Essay
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
George Orwell, 1984
After the removal of the last Confederate statue in Richmond, Virginia I was reminded of a conversation I had back in 2015 with a mentor and family friend who was a retired, tenured PhD History professor from a very prestigious University here in the South and also happened to be a member of the Son’s and Daughters of the Confederacy.
When all this Confederate statue removal non-sense started in earnest after the Dylann Roof shooting he sent me this email which I have paraphrased:
“What happened in Charleston was a damn tragedy, but do you see how THEY (the blacks along with their cucked white politicians on both sides of the aisle) are now using Victimhood to empower their position both culturally and politically? They are using white guilt as a mass weapon of destruction to become the unappointed gatekeepers of history! And why are they doing that? So thru the practice of Damnatio Memoriae, they can shape the future according to their OWN cultural agenda! Remember Orwell’s quote about Controlling the past to Control the future? We are seeing it unfold in real time my friend.”
I have tell you reading this seven years later is still jaw dropping. Remember that in 2015 BLM, ANTIFA and the purple-haired, bathroom confused communist woke brigade were still relatively unknown to the public and media.
So how is it that a good portion of normie America has been so easily duped and hijacked by these so-called “victims?” Well, the short answer is that historically victimhood can always be counted upon to garner both sympathy and guilt from good ole’ “Whitey Americanus.” Sympathy and Guilt if wielded tactfully, can yield huge political, cultural and financial results in the form of welfare subsidies, grants and even attempted Slave Reparations. It’s shameless opportunism on a national scale.
Don’t forget ZOG media’s complicity in this pitiful charade. Without them they would not have been able to capitalize and in turn polarize events like Charlottesville, Freddy Gray and George Floyd and in turn spread divisive propaganda messaging that would have made Lenin and Trotsky smile with pride. Remember all the “Don’t Shoot”, “I Can’t Breathe” and those nauseating kneeling for forgiveness campaigns all over social media?
So it seems after a good dose of cultural marxism, corruption and flagrant disregard for the Constitution, these people and their liberal white underwriters (both in the private sector and Government) have been placed (without our consent) in a position to be American History’s caretakers. To decide as it were what is “real” American history and what is “racist” and “hateful.” It began with removing statues, memorials and renaming streets and has ultimately culminated into the NY Times 1619 Project, the fourth estate and liberal academia’s opus to flagrant lies, hypocrisy and white guilt.
If it is not obvious by now, let me be clear: The black marxist and neo-liberal globalist agenda combined is to completely DESTROY White America. Not just Southern White America and it’s history as some have proffered. It all lines up with Globalism and The Great Reset, to include de-population (especially of whites) multiculturalism and diversity (which dovetails into The Ecumenical movement of having all cultures, religions and races fold into one big Global family.) Climate Communism is just another facet of this, helping to expedite the de-population element with eventual starvation of millions by doing away with commercial farming and promoting weird alternatives such as synthetic meat products and bugs.
So knowing that I despise articles and essays that expose a problem but never offer any viable solutions, here is my two cents. First, White men need to marry and procreate with white women and have beautiful white babies. We need to discourage and dissuade interracial relationships and marriages across the board. Secondly, we need to STRENGHTEN the White Family as a whole. The Family is the building block of society, without it nothing else works. Wholesome, traditional Christian values need to return to the family and everything and anything involving neo-liberalism needs to be wholly discarded. Lastly, CRT (Critical Race Theory) needs to be eradicated from our vocabulary and REAL White history needs to be taught to our children to include stories of our proud European origins.
In doing these three things, we will at least begin to rebel and counter the satanic Globalist agenda and give ourselves and our offspring the best chance at long term survival. I know it is popular to talk about whites having their own country and nation but honestly, if we (White Folk) cannot populate and build when the chips are down and the tide is against us, what makes us think we deserve our own nation?