Drive-by History by Mike Austin
Take careful note of the CAUSES of these EVENTS. Look familiar?
Some Great advice:
It is well and good and healthy to “no longer care much about day-to-day abuses and usurpations”. As this point in the game of History and life worrying and caring about this, about that and about the other is an utter waste of time and energy. Don’t concern yourself about things beyond your control. There is not one thing in my life that depends upon the whims, depredations and depravity of the ruling elites in Washington and Davos. No matter their thoughts and desires for the masses I will ride my bicycles, buy more guns, read what I please, write what I want and let my thoughts run wild. They can all go have sex with themselves—which they already do. Think Klaus Schwab and his well-sodomized catamite Yuval Harari. But don’t think about it for too long.