Self-Sufficiency Sundays: Laundry Soap
My plan is (time permitting) to post a series of basic formulations and recipes for every day products you use around your home that work as well – or better – than the commercial ones you buy at your friendly big box store, and other tips towards moving towards a more holistic, self-sufficient life style – even if you live in an urban or suburban environment.
Why go to the bother of making your own laundry soap? Well, there are several very good reasons for making the extra effort towards being more self-sufficient and weaning yourself from the mega-corporations.
You control the ingredients that go into homemade laundry soap. I had gotten lazy and stopped bothering to make my own, until one of my grandchildren had some pretty dramatic skin reactions to the “hypo-allergenic” laundry detergent from a well-known mega brand I had bought. Back to making my own!