As a man who dedicated a large part of his adult life to the Military and the Security of this Nation, and a man who has had over a decade to reflect and learn about the LIES told to him by his own Government regarding the Manufactured War in Iraq, where I lost so many good friends, here is my take on what is happening right now with Russia and Ukraine.
I will start it off with a Question: Why is it Saber Rattling War Mongers are ALWAYS the People who have never actually Fought in a War (Politicians) and more to the point, Do Not stand to LOSE anybody to War but yet are ALWAYS the First ones to Scream about Needing to GO TO WAR?
Paul Craig Roberts wrote a short, succint article last week on the “crisis” in the Ukraine that I think clarifies the matter greatly.
My Top 3 Reasons why a War with Russia is Ridiculously Stupid:
Why are we worrying about another country’s borders while our own Country is in the shitter? That question really answers itself. Nothing like a War to get people’s minds off the fact their country is literally being invaded by all manner of violent criminals and terrorist meanwhile ridiculous inflation and debt keep soaring upwards while a marxist totalitarian Government continues to wage war on Whites while letting any other color get away with murder, literally.
Our Military is in no shape to fight a conventional prolonged conflict with a Modern Army. Our leadership in the JCS are a bunch of clowns who over the past decade have drained the NCO and Officer ranks of experience in lieu of multi-culturalist, WOKE box tickers. The average recruit is borderline obese and cannot meet even minimum weapon Qualification Test Standards.
Nobody seems to want to address the real Elephant in the Room Foreign Threat: China, why is that you think? Maybe because so many politicians are OWNED by China?