Dear Gun-Grabbers, What’s Best for ‘Society’ Is Not My Problem
I remember when I was in boy scouts (before they let gay and transgender men in as scout leaders) as a lad we had a really cool Scout Leader (Mr. P, God Bless You Sir!) who every Friday would give us a Basic Civics Lesson and this one week he taught us about the “Family First” Rule of Society.
A MAN’S first duty is to take care of his family!
Treat his wife with honor and respect, Raise his kids right and most of all PROTECT them from the world outside their door.
If each and every man follows this rule, Society as a whole has a pretty good shot of turning out decent.
To Prove this point look at the current state of the FAMILY in America (including the high rate of divorce) and then look at SOCIETY.
Yeah, look like the two do in fact correlate!
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!