I think I called this when all this non-sense began but it has been talked about very little, I guess because everybody is busy showing their white guilt by politically genuflecting and showing their support for militant black groups that seek to de-fund police departments and call for violence against WHITE people.
Blacks and Far Left Groups burning down American cities (that are predominantly ran by liberals) across this country is a GENERATIONAL problem that is time and time again paid for with YOUR State and Federal Tax Dollars.
Before we all take a knee and beg forgiveness from these people I would like to ask that they first take ownership of the hundreds of millions dollars worth of damage they have caused, but we all know that is a pipe dream…just like it is a fantasy to believe that nobody other than White Middle and Upper Class Families will be sharing the tax burden, but then again that was what they intended all along because after all they are just following the Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” basics of fiscally de-stabilizing and bankrupting a democracy.
Wake Up Folks.
Stop acting like defeated slaves and FIGHT these Marxist!