Another good read from NC Scout.
If there is one thing the martial civilian should take away from this goat rodeo, it is this:
“But for me at least, prepping was never about having stuff, but rather having skills to back up the right items. Its about a mindset. The things people are snapping up now are unheard of items in much of the rest of the world, and while we could sit and point to other factors they deal with on an everyday basis, they also live fairly simple lives. Other corners of the world, for their lack of modernity, also do not fear the loss of such. Why is that? Because they have the underlying skills to survive. “
It reminds me of a couple of similar sayings:
“Amateurs talk Hardware. Professionals talk Software.” -Anonymous
“Amateurs talk Strategy. Professionals talk Logistics.” -General Omar Bradley
Speaking for myself and my clan, going forward from here we going to concentrate more sincerely on taking more of a minimalist approach to life in terms of “stuff” and focus more on learning and honing SKILLS.
So, preppers, are we having our ‘moment’? It would certainly seem as though a lot of folks are preppers now. Judging by the level of panic buying it seems like hindsight is 2020 for a great deal of people. 18 more words