Army Issues Lighter Armor For Bigger Wars
Body Armour is a subject I don’t hear a lot of tactical trainers talking about nowadays and that has always puzzled me. I mean to train realistically we need to understand that rounds are not just going to be OUTGOING but also INCOMING with great frequency; therefore we need to be prepared to deal with that, not just in teaching the importance of COVER, but also PERSONAL PROTECTION (IBA) and TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) applications.
The legalities of owning body armour in most states are pretty much the same as owning a firearm; as long as you are not a criminal turd with a felony record, you are OK.
The simple reality is if you are a martial civilian who is interested in keeping yourself and your family safe, you and every member of your family need an IBA, it’s that simple.
So the million dollar question is, where do you start? Like anything new, the first thing we need to do is educate ourselves,
This article from The Prepared is a good start.
Now after you purchase your IBA don’t pull the Ole’ ‘Couch Commando’ trick and throw that vest in the closet with all your other SHTF gear! No, make that IBA part of your everyday training regimen! After all when the hammer finally does drop, you are going to be fighting in it, right? So follow the tried and true protocol of always train with the same clothes and gear you would be using in an everyday SHTF situation.
I would also add this final caveat: incorporate a lot of movement drills with your IBA with rifle and pistol.
Learning how to move effectively and efficiently with a vest on is a skill-set EVERY rifleman needs to have under their belt.
Remember: Stay Realistic with your training by always asking HOW CAN I INCREASE THE SUCK FACTOR FOR THIS DRILL?
Our main goal when we go to train is not to stroke our ego or impress our friends, but to SHARPEN our SKILLS, and if you guys know anything about sharpening a knife, in order to get that blade sharp, we must first break down what is there so we can begin to HONE it!
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!