Not that this is really “news” per se, but the The Left has declared It is now fashionable and “politically cool” to not only HATE white people, but encourage VIOLENCE against them.
Lib-Tards have been working over time as of late stirring up hatred against whites and endorsing their tired and mentally unstable dogma of “White Guilt” and “White Privilege”, two terms that are as fantastical in their definitions as unicorns and pixie dust.
The lame-stream media of course endorses and protects this fallacious crusade.
This is why you did not hear a word about the horrific murder of six month old Cole Ellerbe who was kidnapped and burned alive in Natchitoches, Louisiana last week (who was white), by a deranged black woman, but you will hear about (on endless loop) actresses on CNN (Who have the nerve to call themselves “news journalist”) tearfully tell us about the thousands of “poor, mistreated” illegal mexican children being “separated” from their parents at the border by that “gestapo” like agency called I.C.E.
You could not have a more clear cut case of a RACIAL HATE CRIME than the one committed against little Cole Ellerbe and yet the F.B.I. and our Attorney General were silent on the matter.
Maybe that is because it was recently discovered that the inept and corrupt F.B.I. are now using none other than the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) a resource to track down organizations and individuals that spread ‘HATE”. If you know anything about the SPLC you would know that is a hilarious joke, since the SPLC is known to partner with such far-left leaning groups as the Anti-Defamation League, the Human Rights Campaign, the NAACP, the National Center for Transgender Equity, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and the National Organization for Women.
The SPLC’s political agenda in boosting the image of the violent left and spreading propaganda and lies about Conservatives is no mystery. READ FOR YOURSELF.
Of course liberals will tell you that all of this is a “Nationalist Delusion”.
The left does not endorse or condone killing or harming white people! The left abhors racism, right?
Well, As Long as you are talking about racism against any other race than Whites, yes, that is true.
Consider this as evidence: That Bastion of East Coast Liberal Thought and Propaganda, The New York Times, recently hired a bonafide South Korean racist to their editorial board who likes to go on Racist Twitter rants against White People.
Parallel that story with this about President Trump:
Pastor Predicts Donald Trump Will Be ‘The Most Pro-Black President in Our Lifetime’
See what I mean? Something does not add up folks.
There is a very simple reason the Left and their media mouthpieces want to stir up racial division in this country and portray President Trump and his supporters as “racist.”
It is the same reason for this full-court press by liberals on allowing as many illegal immigrants in this country as possible, regardless if they are pedophiles, rapist or murders.
To Win the 2020 Election.
And if the increased threats and multiple ACTS OF VIOLENCE are not enough to concern you, then how about the OUTRIGHT VIOLATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS?
The left will stop at nothing to not only Muzzle Conservative voices, but also DISARM them as well through the use of Gun Violence Retraining Orders (GVRO) which ironically enough, call into question the mental health of the law abiding gun owner.
You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand how bad a law like this could be manipulated to strip law abiding gun owners of their legally owned weapons.
With groups like ANTIFA getting more and more violent as each day passes, Conservative Armed Patriots are going to have to be especially vigilant in defending themselves in the days and months to come.
There will be More to come on this I am sure, but in the meantime, expose the lies,
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!