Anti-Drone Defenses: Some Ideas Are Better Than Others
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This is an interesting and very funny article for the simple fact it raises some very important questions for the Civilian Operator who wants to keep his Private life well, PRIVATE: How do we not only LEGALLY combat DRONES that violate our Privacy around our homes and businesses but also PHYSICALLY Combat Drones that violate our Privacy?
Bottom line: Think like an Insurgent and use Deception and Deceit (and some other very creative methods)
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Told to stop, didn’t, so I did some fishing casting practice.
Then demanded proof of ownership for the expensive POS when they came to recover it.
They couldn’t provide it so I told them to go forth and multiply and to collect it from the police station as lost and found when they had proof of ownership.
Never saw drone or operator again.
Police thought it hilarious.
ROLMAO…..A Wonderful story of “Counter Drone Operations”!!
ha ha love it!
Any of ya’ll own a drone? I have seen plenty when in AZ (most were government use chasing illegals in the sand hills) and some here in the woods of NC but never in Norfolk.
Haha.. Great picture