I just came across this Firearm Bill of Sale on The Gun Blog Black List and I think it is something every armed citizen needs to do with EVERY private gun sale they do.
The nature of PRIVATE firearm transactions has always been a Legal “Grey” Area and as of late when something goes sideways it always seems to be more of an issue as to WHERE the gun came from rather than WHO used the gun in the first place.
With the Political Winds blowing toward even more Restrictive Gun Laws and Regulations to include the possibility of Background Checks being made Mandatory on ALL Private Gun Sales (Something I am totally against), this form is just another safeguard that shows you were RESPONSIBLE with the sale of the firearm and did not need Big Brother telling you to do it.
I personally believe the Government meddling in a private citizens affairs and keeping records (or a “Database”) of firearm purchases is illegal and Unconstitutional according to the Second Amendment and I think it needs to be made known to the buyer that this is NOT a record you intend to pass on to Law Enforcement. This is simply a Personal Record you intend to keep under lock and key to Legally Cover Your Own Ass in the event of a problem with the gun or the gun sale later on down the road.
There is also the added benefit of having a receipt that states the firearm is in AS IS condition when sold. I know some of you more seasoned gun seller and buyers are aware of this fact, but some of the green gun rookies out there may not be, so this is just another legal form of protection in the event the buyer suddenly finds some problems with the gun.
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
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There’s no “gray area” on private salrs in mosy states-they ate 100% legal and there is no requirement that you must keep a record of the sale.
I would just state that the firearm in question was lost in a boating accident.
It’s none of any government employee’s concern what private citizens do with their property.
Reblogged this on Rifleman III Journal.
In Texas it is getting Gray thanks to lib-tards and I am 100% with you on Big Brother staying off our Front Porch, as I said it is a CYA thing.
bs the right to bear arms comes from your father in heaven not from the constitution or the bill of rights, registering sales is the work of the devil
Well as I said it is a CYA thing not a registering thing. Gotta have some common sense in this day and age you never know who you might be selling to.
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(The) Firearm Bill of Sale on The Gun Blog Black List and I think it is something every armed citizen needs to do with EVERY private gun sale they do.
The nature of PRIVATE firearm transactions has always been a Legal “Grey” Area and as of late when something goes sideways it always seems to be more of an issue as to WHERE the gun came from rather than WHO used the gun in the first place.
With the Political Winds blowing toward even more Restrictive Gun Laws and Regulations to include the possibility of Background Checks being made Mandatory on ALL Private Gun Sales (Something I am totally against), this form is just another safeguard that shows you were RESPONSIBLE with the sale of the firearm and did not need Big Brother telling you to do it.
I personally believe the Government meddling in a private citizens affairs and keeping records (or a “Database”) of firearm purchases is illegal and Unconstitutional according to the Second Amendment and I think it needs to be made known to the buyer that this is NOT a record you intend to pass on to Law Enforcement. This is simply a Personal Record you intend to keep under lock and key to Legally Cover Your Own Ass in the event of a problem with the gun or the gun sale later on down the road.
There is also the added benefit of having a receipt that states the firearm is in AS IS condition when sold. I know some of you more seasoned gun seller and buyers are aware of this fact, but some of the green gun rookies out there may not be, so this is just another legal form of protection in the event the buyer suddenly finds some problems with the gun.
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!