U.S. Navy To Name Warship after Gay Rights Icon
More proof our Military is becoming nothing more than a social justice camp for coddled babies.
You don’t name United States Warships after a gay rights advocate, you name them after Men who Sacrificed their lives for the SECURITY of this Country. Men who dedicated everything to ensuring this country was not wiped off the face of the planet.
Take a look at each of these Men’s Bio’s and then Compare it with that of Harvey Milk and ask yourself if they line up.
Oh yeah, almost forgot to tell you: Besides being gay, Milk was also a Child Molester.
Here is an article Front Page Magazine Did About it.
It is A Friggin’ Disgrace and a Joke if you ask me.
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To add more insult to injury, Milk, is the reason why Feinstein, is anti-gun. Will the USN remove weapons from the vessel(s)?
Oh yeah, Milk was also a pedophile who liked to lure kids into his van, and a friend of cult leader and murderer Jim Jones… but who cares, right?
Oh the Fed Govt. has a long tradition of naming Ships after Anti-Gun lib-tards….we named one after Gifford, the Congresswoman who was shot.