After some long reflection on the recent events the past week, I have decided that I will be making a CONTENT change here on HCSTX starting immediately.
No longer will I be posting any News stories or History Lessons. I am going to get back to the original reason I started this blog and that is to help people learn to defend themselves from the human garbage of the world, the kind of garbage we have been seeing this past week in Dallas and Michigan and Tennessee.
My reason for this is simple. I feel there are way too much distractions in the world right now…stuff that sidetracks people from what they should really be focusing on, and that is learning to be more Dangerous! Don’t get we wrong; staying informed with current news is important, but there are blogs and websites that do that way better than I ever could!
I hope you guys understand and As Always, Stay Dangerous!
P.S. I will Leave the Archives Up for posterity’s sake.
Also, if you guys would like to see Another Blog just dedicated to Military History and the like, let me know in the comments section.
Yes, I am a long time reader and I check out the “News and History” here every morning (and often forward links to people) and would like to see that continue so please consider doing another blog for that if the focus on this one is going to change. I also liked reading the blog back when it was focused on the civilian operator but the news and history is great too.
I do not always have time to read the history but certainly enjoy it when I can.
Since I have gotten a lot of responses on the format change, I am gonna put up a Poll and let majority decide, because after all, I do this for you guys.
I enjoy reading the military history stuff.
Gonna Run a Poll for 24 Hours and Let you guys decide.