Every once in a while a War documentary comes along that really grabs you by the n_t sack and does not let go.
Set in 2012 in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan, My Fighting Season follows several Companies from the 82nd Airborne whose main job is root out the Taliban from an area north of the city of Moqor affectionately known as “The Playground”.
The series which is directed by actor Ricky Schroeder, is raw with uncut language and intense battle scenes.
One of the things that I like most about the series (so far) is how you, right along with the soldiers, learn the Guerilla style TACTICS of the Taliban and how best to counter them. You learn really quick the Taliban are no slouches when it comes to Guerilla Warfare, some of the fighters have decades of experience fighting Americans and most of them were taught by Grandfathers, Fathers and Uncles who fought with the mujahedeen against the Soviets in the 70’s and 80’s.
My Fighting Season Comes on Tuesdays at 7pm CST on the Audience Network.