Since everybody wants to talk more about “Black Lives Matter” and about the Pieces of Human Garbage who murdered 5 Cops in Cold Blood, I thought I would dedicate a post to the 5 Slain Dallas Police Officers themselves, since nobody (including the State Run media or our Federal Govt.) seems to give a flying fu__ about them.
I want to remind everybody this is DEADLIEST Attack on U.S. Law Enforcement Since 9/11.
If you find any info about ANY of the officers, please leave a I find them I will post them to this page ASAP.
Thanks for your Support and Please Pray for the Families of these Officers. -SF
Brent Thompson, 43 Years Old, Married Grandfather
Dallas Police Dept. Rapid Transit Officer
United States Marine
The first of the Dallas officers murdered by #BlackLivesMatter terror had trained police in countries overrun by terrorists to avoid ambushes. In a tragic irony, he was killed in an ambush by terrorists backed by our own government right here in this country.
After serving in the Marines, Thompson later worked for a private Pentagon contractor that hired and trained Iraqi and Afghan police in the concepts of “democratic policing.” The instruction included training in how to avoid an ambush, according to his LinkedIn page.
“I was responsible for the day to day operations conducted by our American police officers who trained and mentored the Iraqi Police,” he wrote.
He also served as an instructor at the Dallas police academy.
“While teaching at the Police Academy, I instructed courses to new recruits on different subject matter, as well as instruction to veteran police officers on state mandated courses,” Thompson wrote.
It’s a testament to Obama’s horrifying actions that police officers in America now face the same danger as those in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Read the Original Article at Front Page Mag
Officer Brent Thompson has been identified as one of the 5 Dallas police officers killed in Thursday’s sniper attack. Thompson, an officer with the Dallas Area Rapid Transit system, was the first of the 5 officers who died to be named.
Thompson, 43, had served in dangerous places before: He was an international police trainer who mentored Iraqi and Afghan police in the concepts of “democratic policing,” training Afghan officers how to avoid an ambush, according to a 2006 New York Times article quoting him and his own LinkedIn page. He’d also previously trained American police officers in active shooters. He was also a father and a grandfather.
In the mass shooting, 11 officers were shot in all and 5 were killed, a death toll that climbed throughout the night. Dallas Police Chief David Brown said in a live press conference that it’s believed at least four suspects committed the organized assault on police, triangulating them with elevated sniper positions, The New York Times said.
Three suspects were in custody and being interrogated; one was holed up in a garage in a standoff, shooting at and threatening police; although reports came in just before 3 a.m. that he died, according to CNN. The shootings erupted at a Black Lives Matter protest against the police shootings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castile in Minnesota.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. Thompson Taught Specialized Police Training Courses in How to Handle an Active Shooter
Brent Thompson posted this meme on Facebook in 2015 with the hashtag #policelivesmatter
On LinkedIn, Thompson said he worked at the police academy in the past. “While teaching at the Police Academy, I instructed courses to new recruits on different subject matter, as well as instruction to veteran police officers on state mandated courses.”
On Facebook, he shared this meme in 2014:
On LinkedIn, Thompson wrote that he also taught “specialized training courses as well; Basic SWAT School, Tactical Firearms, Active Shooter, and Urban Rifle.”
2. Thompson Was a Father & Grandfather
Brent Thompson with his grandson. (Facebook)
Family members posted tributes to Thompson, who listed himself as divorced on Facebook. “Thank you for serving our country,” wrote one family member on Facebook. “Thank you for protecting us while we sleep. Most of all, thank you for loving our grand baby the way you did. Watch over us. Rest easy Brent Thompson. Dark days, my friends. #prayfordallas.”
Another family member wrote on Facebook: “My heart is broken, rest in peace big daddy. we love you. Thank you for all you did.”
3. Thompson Taught Afghan Police Officers How to Survive an ‘Ambush’ & Also Mentored Iraqi Police in ‘Democratic Policing’
(Facebook/Brent Thompson)
According to his LinkedIn page, Thompson was chief of operations for Southern Iraq forDynCorp International, a private military contracter. “I was responsible for the day to day operations conducted by our American police officers who trained and mentored the Iraqi Police, ” he wrote.
“My area of responsibility was the Special Programs Units (Baghdad, Iraq), Training Teams located at the US Embassy (South), Camp Echo, Camp Delta, Basrah, and Babel. These teams covered Iraq from Baghdad to the southern border with Kuwait. I also worked in Northern Iraq: Mosul, Haman Al Lil, Duhook, Talifar.”
He also served in Afghanistan. “I also was in Afghanistan (Helmand and Khandahar Provinces); I was a Team Leader there and Lead Mentor to the Southern Provincial Police Chief. In all locations we mentored and taught our Iraqi/Afghan counterparts democratic policing, and assisted in the establishment of the police departments in those location.”
In 2006, The New York Times wrote a story chronicling the difficulties inherent in training the Afghan police force, including the dangers to the American trainers. The story said that America sent an eight-man DynCorp “saturation” training team to Lashkar Gah, and assigned Thompson to lead it. The Times called Thompson “a 33-year-old former police officer from Dallas.” Thompson, the newspaper said, determined that “American officials calculated that six Afghan policemen were dying for every soldier in the National Army who was killed.”
Half of the team’s two-week training course included teaching Afghan police military skills, “like how to launch or survive an ambush,” said the Times’ article. “Mr. Thompson, who trained the police in Iraq for DynCorp, said the Afghan police were more poorly equipped than their Iraqi counterparts. In one recent Afghan class, he said, 40 police officers shared 15 rifles,” the newspaper said.
4. He Was the First Dallas Area Rapid Transit Officer Killed in the Line of Duty
Picture released of Thompson by DART.
DART announced Thompson’s death on its Twitter page around 2 a.m. Sunday. Three other DART officers were shot, but they are expected to recover. The other officers who died are with the Dallas Police Department. DART formed in 1989. According to his LinkedIn page, Thompson had worked for the DART system since 2009. He wrote, “I patrol the Northwest sector for the DART systems. This area includes Lewisville, Texas; Carrollton, Texas; Farmers Branch, Texas; Irving, Texas; and Dallas, Texas.” He graduated from Corsicana High School in Texas, and his birthday was later this month.
As you can imagine, our hearts are broken. This is something that touches every part of our organization. We have received countless expressions of support and sympathy from around the world through the evening. We are grateful for every message. Thank you
5. Thompson Wrote That He Was Motivated by a ‘Team Atmosphere’ & Finding Ways to Serve
(Facebook/Brent Thompson)
On his LinkedIn page, Thompson wrote, “I am motivated by a ‘Team’ atmosphere. I enjoy working on challenging tasks and problem solving with my peers. I am constantly looking for different ways to serve the department, this helps to keep my work from becoming sedentary and boring.”
On Facebook, Thompson posted this graphic in honor of a friend who had died, although he didn’t clarify how the man had died:
He also posted a shout out to the Wounded Warriors project, writing, “Never leave a brother behind. PTSD is a hard battle at home. Support these troops that have everything to protect your freedom. Semper Fi, Brent Thompson, Former Active Duty Marine.”
Monica Moody, who is from the town where Thompson graduated from high school, wrote on Facebook, “This man was my classmate and friend, as he was a friend to many. a father, a brother, a son, a brave and honorable man who served our country and community. I don’t have the words to express the sadness I feel. I can only pray for his family and loved ones, and though I have little hope for it, for this sick world we live in. I will remember him. I will remember Brent Thompson.”
Read the Original Article at Heavy
Michael Krol, 40 Years Old
Dallas Police Department, 9 Year Veteran
Patrick Zamarripa, 32 Years Old, Married with One Child
Dallas Police Department
U.S. Navy, Iraq War Veteran
Michael Smith, 55 Years Old, Married with 2 Children
Dallas Police Department
U.S. Army Ranger
Lorne Ahrens, 48 Years Old, Married with 2 Children
Dallas Police Department, 14 Year Veteran
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It all boils down to your final sentence.
May they Rest In Peace.