By Hammerhead
With the Paris Attacks Seven Months Old, the Brussells Bombings Three months old, the Orlando Shooting Two-weeks old and the current death toll From the Attack in Istanbul Yesterday up to 41 dead and 239 Injured, it is a fairly obvious assumption that ISIS is on a GLOBAL rampage.
The obvious targeting of Mass Transit Hubs and Populated Civilian Areas Worldwide combined with the fact that Al Qaeda is currently urging “Lone Wolf Attacks on Whites” in America and the THREAT LEVEL despite what our clueless and incompetent Federal Authorities are telling us, is at a CRITICAL JUNCTURE.
Now I have never been one to give in to the “chicken little” syndrome. I find that AWARENESS, PREPARATION and BRUTAL HONESTY about the FACTS are a much more logical approach to solving the situation at hand.
The Bad News is that when you take the first paragraph of this post and combine it with the current state of affairs as it relates to possible ‘obamaoid’ knee-jerk “Gun Control Policy” in Washington D.C. and the Obvious ineptitude of the Federal Govt. regarding “Counter-Terrorism” efforts, the armed citizen is forced to come to terms with the simple fact that SELF-SUFFICIENCY is not just a cool catch phrase to throw around on survival and self-defense blogs, it must be the STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE for ALL Armed Citizens from here on out as it relates to YOUR PHYSICAL SAFETY AND YOUR FAMILY’S.
This is your CALL TO ARMS folks, no more warnings, nor more pencils, no more books: It is time to get SERIOUS about you and your family’s SECURITY 24/7/365. This is a NO SHIT Moment.
Action Plan
- Stay Armed 24/7
- Train Frequently, Dry Fire Everyday, Keep Yourself in Fighting Shape
- Practice Good Situational Awareness and Street Smarts, Don’t be like all the other Zombies with their head in their phones and tablets.
- Avoid Taking Family on Errands or Activities You Alone Can Accomplish
- Avoid “Gun Free Zones” like you do the Free Samples of chips and dip at your local supermarket
- Avoid Mass Transit if at all Possible. Plan Road Trips this Summer.
- Absolutely NO Travel Outside the U.S, Including Mexico
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
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Red Rain. Red Rain.
Do you have twitter I j6st quoted you as #Hammerhead
No don’t do the social media thing….you can call me Hammerhead, just don’t call me late for dinner! 🙂