Last year, actor-turned-filmmaker Ricky Schroder, released the first installment of his six-episode documentary series called “The Fighting Season,” which chronicles the U.S. military’s efforts to bring the war in Afghanistan to a close after 13 years of grueling counterinsurgency operations.
Much of the footage featured in the series was pulled from helmet cameras worn by frontline soldiers in an attempt to show what that effort looks like on the ground. The result is what Schroder has confidently described to Deadline as “the most realistic combat experience on the modern day battlefield ever shown.”
The second installment of the series, titled “My Fighting Season,” follows U.S. Army infantrymen in 2014 as they operated along the border with Pakistan — one of the country’s most treacherous battle spaces.
The 6 part series will begin to air on July 5th on Audience Network, Channel 500.
Judging by the trailer, it’s going to be one hell of a film. Take a look.
Read the Original Article at Task and Purpose
(Note: I corrected the air date from June 28 to July 5th via this article)
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