This is by no means “new news” for those of you that have been keeping up with the outright islamic invasion of America, but it still bears repeating, since these islamic “communes” keep springing up like weeds. Stay Aware of who your neighbors are! -SF
Radical Islamist communities in America- is that just a right wing conspiracy theory or do they really exist? According to the Clarion Project, they are real, and pose a serious security threat to the U.S.
Jamaat ul-Fuqra (which means ‘community of the impoverished’) has stated that they have 22 communities around the United States, all of which were re-branded as “Muslims of the Americas.” Islamberg in New York is their headquarters.
An article in the CounterJihad report states that Jamaat ul-Fuqra has set up a Sharia court within the borders of the U.S. The practices of child abuse and illicit marriages to underage children are horrifying.
If polygamy cults like those of Warren Jeffs are busted by feds in rural Utah, why are these Islamic polygamists abusers allowed to continue? It’s a huge double standard.
The enclaves are run by a Pakistani cleric, Sheikh Mubarik Ali Gilani, whom the believers say is a “direct descendant” of the prophet Mohammad.
Read the Remainder at Conservative Firing Line
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Something to develop strategy on…
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ISIS people are a threat to others and their own soul. Jesus said feed my sheep not kill my sheep. The Quean needs to be rejected. The Quran should never be taught. People who are not mentally prepared can become hypnotized by that book like Muhammad was hypnotized by that book. ISIS people are hypnotized by that book rejoicing in iniquity. ISIS people need to get warm hearts not having cold hearts.
Islam and ISIS are guided by the same evil cold hearted spirit.
Edited: ISIS people are a threat to others and their own soul. Jesus said feed my sheep not kill my sheep. The Quran needs to be rejected. The Quran should never be taught. People who are not mentally prepared can become hypnotized by that book like Muhammad was hypnotized by that book. ISIS people are hypnotized by that book rejoicing in iniquity. ISIS people need to get warm hearts not having cold hearts.