I have followed this Miscarriage of Justice since it happened..this is sickening. I said it once and I will keep saying it: The people responsible for this should be tried for TREASON and Shot. What has America become that your own people..soldiers, diplomats, are discarded like trash?? I hope this leads to some indictments but I might as well be hoping for fairies to fly out my ass before that happens.
At the very least, those responsible deserve a political death, (although I would prefer sterner punishment)!
Political Death..yeah unfortunately even that is wishful thinking GP.
Politically speaking, HRC should have been knocked out of the Presidential bid before it even began because of this email business, but as it is commonly said, IGNORANCE is the one thing people hold on too fervently, even with the facts staring them in the face. If Justice and the FBI do indeed indict her on criminal charges within 60 days as they say, I think the Dems have a legal, if not moral responsibility to ask her to step down from the race, but lets not forget her and Slick Willie have plenty of practice at getting out of sticky legal jams..Whitewater, Chinagate and Travelgate are the 3 legal fiascos’s that come to mind…and the Clinton’s came out of them all smelling like roses..Remember: the only thing worse than a Politician is a child molester.
Hillary is the one who should be shot for treason,along with whoever gave the order to stand down to those who could have made it to Benghazi in time to save some of our people.
Well lets see if the Justice Dept follows thru on this criminal indictment of HRO. I can guarantee if it was me or you that had done this our ass would had been in jail years ago, but then again, that is the MO of people like her; they think the rules don’t apply to them, but they do…EVERY DOG HAS IT’S DAY.
I think the Hildebeast is going to be sitting a federal penitentiary very soon.
As Sharyl Atkisson said-the evidence is overwhelming.
Well considering her and Slick Willie have avoided the Federal Pen for over 2 decades with various corruptions scandals, I think fairies will fly out of both our asses before this happens, but it would be nice to be wrong for once. I would like to think that if she is put in Fed prison she gets a cell mate named Big Black Bertha and HRC learns the HARD way what it means to be a Prison bitch every night…oh the sweet justice! I also think part of her punishment should be that pictures of ALL the victims of Benghazi that died because of her INEPT leadership should be posted in her cell so that she has to LOOK at them everyday she is inside.