Really?? Leave it to the lib-tards in Austin to pull a stunt like this. Just goes to show when confronted with the truth, they cannot respond with a legitimate, civil response, but must resort to a ridiculous PR stunt like this to get noticed. It is Sad that these confused people do not realize the importance of this issue, especially with the Oregon Campus Shooting still so fresh..Guns Save Lives, BUT ONLY WHEN YOU CAN CARRY ONE. Let us hope these poor, confused souls never have to learn the hard truth that your liberal politics will not save you when that armed psychcopath comes to your school. ONLY a GOOD guy or woman armed with a gun will.
BTW, I refused to post the picture with this article. The original link is at the bottom if you wish to see it.-SF
“Coc_s NOT Glocks”, Antis Bring Dildos to College, Protesting Concealed Carry
AUSTIN, TX, USA –-( Austin TX students will hold a “strap in” protest AGAINST campus carry on Aug. 24, of 2016 by carrying dildos to class in violation of the campus’ obscenity policy.
Students for Concealed Carry, which has waged court battles for the right to wear empty holsters on college campuses, believes that the University of Texas’s obscenity policy should not be used to stop anti-campus carry protesters from openly carrying dildos on campus.
Michael Newbern, assistant director of public relations for Students for Concealed Carry, commented, “If carrying a phallus to class is how you want to make your point, that is an exercise of First Amendment rights, and a public college has no right to impede it.”
Students for Concealed Carry does recommend, however, that any dildos carried on campus be used only in constitutionally protected expressions of free speech.
Using a dildo as a defensive weapon could classify it as a “club,” which, under Texas law, is illegal to carry in public and constitutes a felony if carried in campus buildings. Newbern added,
“We have always encouraged open, honest debate and have, on multiple occasions, stood up to colleges that sought to quash our own empty-holster protests. We did so under the counsel of competent attorneys and encourage these students and other concerned individuals participating in this protest to do the same.”
Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC) is a national, non-partisan, grassroots organization comprising over 44,000 college students, professors, college employees, parents of college students, and concerned citizens who believe that holders of state-issued concealed handgun licenses should be allowed the same measure of personal protection on college campuses that current laws afford them virtually everywhere else. SCCC has members in all fifty states and the District of Columbia. SCCC is not affiliated with the NRA or any other organization. SCCC extends an open invitation to publicly debate representatives from any organization or institution opposed to ‘campus carry.’
Original Article can be found at Ammo-Land
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