Once again the Cartels iron grip over certain media outlets in Mexico has been put on full display for all to see. With the recent arrest in Matamoros of one of the Gulf Cartel’s (CDG) most powerful leaders, Angel Eduardo “El Orejon or Ciclon 7” Rodriguez Prado and the resulting gun battles that ensued, between Prado’s sicario’s and Mexican Federales, you would expect front page news exclusives and the typical gruesome photos that go with them. But surprisingly, NOT ONE local or regional news outlets that are printed in Matamoros ran one story about the arrest of Prado or the ensuing 10 hour gun battles according to Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles.
With Matamoros print media ORDERED silent by the new leadership of the Los Ciclones faction of the CDG, Social Media virtually blew up with real time updates of gun battles, car chases, blockades and arrest. All of this goes to show the internet and social media remains the last true bastion of free speech in some of these countries controlled by organized crime or tyrannical governments.
The CDG reportedly has members within each news outlet’s crime beat called “links” that control what goes to print and what does not. Unfortunately, reporters and editors who have tested this “silence policy” in the past have not fared well, typically being either beaten, kidnapped or killed.
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
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