Oh Boy, just what we the American people need to hear as thousands of these people are set to flood American airports and shipyards. Hey POTUS: You think it MIGHT have been a good ideal to ask these questions BEFORE you approved letting thousands of possible jihadist flood our shores?!! Of course not, that would have implied two things: You have common sense and you care about America’s Security.-SF
And since the Obama Administration continues in its resolute denial of the motivating and guiding ideology behind the global jihad, there is no possible way that DHS could effectively subject these refugees to “robust screening.” Any attempt by them to do so is foredoomed.
“DHS Confesses: No Databases Exist To Vet Syrian Refugees,” Investor’s Business Daily, October 6, 2015:
Immigration: As the White House prepares to dump another 10,000 Syrian refugees on U.S. cities, it assures us these mostly Muslim men undergo a “robust screening” process. Not so, admits the agency responsible for such vetting.
Under grilling from GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions, head of the Senate subcommittee on immigration, the Homeland Security official in charge of vetting Syrian and other foreign Muslim refugees confessed that no police or intelligence databases exist to check the backgrounds of incoming refugees against criminal and terrorist records.
“Does Syria have any?” Sessions asked. “The government does not, no sir,” answered Matthew Emrich, associate director for fraud detection and national security at DHS’ U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Read the Remainder at Jihad Watch
Reblogged this on Brittius and commented:
Dangerous policies of the WH, and actually, a containment zone of a couple hundred miles away from hostile action is required, and not a few thousand miles, where the refugees are only beggars and parasites. Once hostile action cease, regugees from the containment zone can easily reoccupy their land. A non-vetted migration only throws the wheat in with the chaff, and we cannot tell who is whom, nor what their intentions might be, therefore, they all get lumped together as possible terror operatives and must be dealt with effectively. Absence of vetting is a grand failure of US Foreign Policy.