It’s a matter of days before Hurricane Joaquin hits the East Coast; the first in the past 15 months despite lots of enviro-pandering that we’d experience more frequent and severe hurricanes as a result of global warming.
At any rate, it’s been a while since I blogged, and in light of this hurricane, I wanted to point everyone in the direction where they can get some flood plain and hydrological maps and data.
If your area of operations (AO) is located in a flood prone area, then you should definitely have these maps in your Intelligence Preparation of the Community (IPC) binder. EVERYONE should have an IPC binder or notebook where this type of information is kept. Having the lead time of a few days to get ready is a luxury. (If you’re new to the blogstart here. And don’t forget that SHTF Intelligence has an entire chapter dedicated to this type of intelligence preparation, and will be released on Tuesday, 06 October 15.)
Read the Remainder at GuerrillAmerica
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