By Hammerhead
Europe once again is being invaded by the islamic hordes from the Middle East. Many centuries ago it was the Persians, then the Moors, then the Ottomans. Now in the 21st Century , we have the relatives of these invaders repeating the invasion of Europe but going by much more benign and politically correct names like “refugees” and “asylum seekers”.
Make no mistake about it folks, this entire mass of humanity from Syria that is currently falling upon Europe like a plague is more like a “dump off” than it is a “migration”.
Consider the 1980 Cuban Mariel Boat-lift where Fidel Castro willingly dumped tens of thousands of “refugees” on Florida shores but in reality those refugees were the dregs of his jails and mental asylums: rapist, thieves, drug runners, murderers and political terrorist; All released to wreak havoc on American soil. Thank you Fidel, you are such a real humanitarian!

Let’s face it folks, since this whole Syrian “refugee” crisis started, the bleeding hearts along with lame-stream lib-tard media have made it into a sideshow production. They have been laying on the Propaganda thick, from the picture of the little Syrian boy who drowned, to the truckloads of refugees found dead on the side of the road suffocated, these stories and images displayed daily on the news, often on a constant loop, have been burned into the collective consciousness of people worldwide, garnering sympathy and support; Much like the images did of the little old Cuban lady collapsing from heat exhaustion or the little Cuban children crying out from fear during the Mariel Boatlift in 1980. All of it carefully Orchestrated Propaganda meant to soften and confuse the general public as to what is really going on.
Considering this is all happening in Europe, I bet most of you are thinking to yourself, “What’s this got to do with me? I am safe here in the United States; all that stuff is in Europe, let hem worry about it…” The problem with that thinking is it does not take into account we have an islamic sympathizer in the White House who loves to kiss the ass of the U.N. BHO recently proposed bringing THOUSANDS of these muslims into America under the guise of “refugee resettlement”. Uh-Huh, we re-settle them here in Mainstream America and the next thing you know, they form their own “Little Syria” neighberhoods and the next thing you know you got a mosque on every corner replacing every Christian Church. Don’t believe me? Look at Great Britain.
Recently, America’s Head Spook, James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) made the statement that although America’s immigration background checks are extremely thorough and strenuous,with the U.S. only admitting 2,000 out of 4 million refugees, he does not have as much faith in Europe’s Immigration background checks and fears a mistake will be made.
I must admit, I DO NOT share Mr. Clapper’s views nor optimism in our ability to “weed out” jihadist coming into this country. Let’s face it folks, our border security, North and South, SUCKS! The fact is, terror groups like ISIS recruit people that have no criminal history and do not stand out on a terror watch list for this very reason. They appear just like any other poor refugee trying to “have a better life” but in reality they are as radicalized and violent as any hardcore ISIS terrorist.
Time to Wake Up Folks, our President has Opened the Door to the Wolves and hung a pork chop around our necks…. We are on our own.
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
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