Is it just me or does America as of late in Love with Guilt? Seriously. Americans just love to feel Guilty about SOMETHING. No matter the motivating factor, whether it be race relations regarding the Confederate Flag (white guilt) or Animal Rights because Cecil the Lion got capped (Animals being elevated higher than human beings) or the creme dela’ creme: Gun Control (because too many people are dying from guns, so let’s ban them; much akin to too many people are spelling too many words incorrectly so let’s ban pencils, because after all it’s the device, not the person who is ultimately responsible, right?)
The Confederate Flag represents Hate. Cecil the Lion is Dead. Guns kill X number of people every year. These are just the latest in a series of what I like to call “Guilt Campaigns” manufactured in part by our Government and large-scale Corporations all over the globe to rally public sentiment on hot button political issues typically for upcoming political campaigns. Sure, they don’t call them “Guilt Campaigns”, that is just the intended consequence. Typically they are presented as “Socially relevant Topics” by the lame-stream media mostly (oh sorry, main stream lib-tard media) and just to make sure it get’s pounded in your brain, they put it on loop on every broadcast and talk about it for days on end after it has occurred…seriously if I hear the name Cecil the Lion one more time!
Guilt is one of the most powerful human emotions that exist. Our Government knows this, that is why it is so effective in turning public sentiment on issues. Don’t believe me? Well, maybe after reading this literary jewel you will. See, the powers that be (the socialist-islamic liberal machine driving this country currently) know these kind of things pull on your heart-strings, so what they like to do is an ole’ propaganda Trick Stalin invented (just kidding, I have no ideal who invented it or even if it is a real propaganda should be though) called the “Two-Fer”, a “Two-fer” is basically where one guilt campaign is used to simultaneously promote another. The following ARTICLE is a pitiful example of this.
Now I want you to notice something. This article starts out with a very valid “hook” (something to peak your interest). The hook is: Human Life is more Valuable than Animal Life. OK. I will accept that. A very valid point. Except before we start clapping and jumping up and down, what does the author do? He does the classic “Two-Fer Liberal Switch-a-Roo” and goes right into a rant on Gun Control. He even throws that terrible actress Amy Schumer and her lib-tard socialist Senator cousin Chuck Schumer into the mix to try and give his cause some validity (Which it doesn’t sorry..I don’t care how many liberal hollywood “personalities” and/or politicians you put on stage, it does not impress me nor sway me.)
What the author SHOULD have done if he really wanted to go “against” the grain and make a real STATEMENT OF FACT versus a canned propaganda spill is say something like:
“There were over a MILLION unborn HUMAN children murdered in this country through abortions in 2011, but we did not see their pictures on their Empire States Building like we did Cecil the Un-Happy Lion… why is that? I mean if we are gonna feel guilty about something, shouldn’t we ATLEAST feel guilty about something that is going to have a dramatic social and moral impact on future generations?”
Guilt? It’s a worthless emotion unless it is applied toward something that really matters. Take my word on that!
Stay Dangerous!
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