With the recent rash of active shooter/terrorist incidents (You know things have went to shit when you have to ask “Which rash of shootings are you talking about… last week or this week?”) I thought it prudent to re-iterate a piece of kit I think every SERIOUS CO should have on them at all times, besides of course a firearm, extra mag, knife and cell-phone: E3 Solutions PTK 1.0.
As a good friend of mine is fond of saying:
“In today’s World, it is only prudent to Train and Prepare like YOU are the First Responder..after all, you wanna bet your life on 911?”
I have always taken that adage to heart as I approach both my personal training and day-to-day preparation. Not only for me and my family’s security, but also for Emergency Medical Care.
If you carry a gun and blade for self-defense fellas, you need to carry one of these PTK’s, it is simple as that. Consider the likelihood of either being involved in a shooting or just being in the vicinity of a shooting and having the ability to stop MAJOR arterial bleeding; not just for yourself, but perhaps some poor soul who was caught in the crossfire. It could literally mean the difference between having to call an ambulance or an undertaker.
I could give you numerous examples of shootings where peoples lives were saved because of the fast action of civilians who kept their “head screwed on” and applied basic gunshot wound/trauma treatment. The amazing thing is that most of these brave souls made use of what was available at the time: a ripped up shirt for a bandage, a coat to wrap the victim in so they would not go into shock and steady pressure on the wound.
Imagine if you could carry everything you needed ON YOUR PERSON to stop serious arterial bleeding from not just a gunshot wound or knife attack but how about something like a car accident? There again, not just for yourself, but maybe you roll up on an accident and you LITERALLY are the first one on scene..what do you do? Call 911 and wring your hands in despair or jump in there and at least try to help? Again, I can tell you stories about people who are walking around today because some brave CO did just that…they gave basic TRAUMA care and the persons lived because of it. I personally carry an extra PTK in my VBOB for this very reason (not to mention an extra fan belt and a battery jumper.)
Keeping your life-saving medical skills sharp is something the CO should take seriously, not just for yourself, but your loved ones and friends as well. It is the PRACTICAL thing to do guys, pure and simple. Besides being prepared with basic kit like the PTK, also plan right now to take a Tac-Med Class this year; (like this one from Lone Star Medics).
It has been my experience that most people put Tac-Med training on the back-burner for more exciting classes. You have to remember the most practical things may not be the most exciting, but it is often the one thing that saves your life.
Read a Review I did last year of the PTK HERE.
Stay Armed, Stay Practical, Stay Alert and Stay Dangerous!
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