I urge all CO’s to seek some type of realistic training like this. The Active Shooter threat that now exist out there require vastly different skill-set’s than just punching holes in paper” at a square range. Training in a 360 degree environment with real-world type scenarios using “cognitive stress” type drills will pay huge dividends later on, take my word on it. I will be doing an article on the top 3 best Reality based Training Courses Soon. -SF
By Mike Searson

When specifically training for personal defense or home defense, Reality Based Firearms Training is the key to success.
This type of training goes beyond shooting reactive targets or going through laser based scenarios (which both have merits in their own right).
This is similar to sparring for a boxer as opposed to shadow boxing.
Reality Based Training involves the use of real firearms that have been converted to shoot safe training marking cartridges. It is considered to be the highest level of evaluating a student’s application of skills without having to engage in a “real” fight.
In the past this training the higher end and more realistic variants have been limited to military and LEO types via MILES or Simunitions and most civilian trainers were reduced to using air soft, paintball, laser tag or other low end solutions.
Read the Remainder at Ammo Land
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