The chances of the next big domestic terror plot by ISIS being stopped are not good folks. Sorry, but please don’t be encouraged by all these arrest that were made over the July 4th weekend the Justice Dept and FBI is making such a big show over, these were just the few knuckleheads the FBI were watching, what about the thousands of other bombers and shooters out there just waiting in the wings? Biding their time, waiting for the right moment to strike, No criminal record, no signs of being a terror suspect or even outwardly islamic. Look at it this way, if a cop’s kid can be influenced by these assholes, what are the odds that other kids, from good households just like this kid are not being influenced and coerced, every minute of every day It’s happening guys..and this article is right…the FBI nor the State Department branch responsible for Counter-Terrorism Propaganda, the CSCC, is doing enough to stop it. Arresting terror suspects is one thing, but stopping the terror recruitment at the source is where we need to be focusing our time and money. Waiting until somebody has become radicalized and decided to buy a pressure cooker is cutting it too close for comfort. We are gonna lose with these tactics, it is just simple math. Stay Alert out there.
Boston convert to Islam inspired by Boston Marathon jihad murders: “Allahu Akbar!!! I got the pressure cooker today.”
He is a convert to Islam who supports the Islamic State and rejoices in jihad murders. Where did he get these ideas, while all our law enforcement and governing authorities assure us they have nothing, nothing whatsoever to do with Islam? Why is there not a single program in any mosque in America to teach young converts to Islam why they should reject this understanding of Islam? Why do neither law enforcement officials nor the mainstream media ever ask Muslim leaders these questions?
More on this story. “Son of Boston Police Captain Arrested as Possible Terrorist,” by Michele McPhee, Brian Epstein and Brian Ross, ABC News, July 13, 2015:
The estranged son of a respected Boston police captain was arrested July 4 by FBI agents as part of a counter-terrorism operation against alleged ISIS-inspired domestic terrorists, federal officials told ABC News today.
Alexander Ciccolo, 23, of Adams, Mass., was taken into custody on gun charges after buying two pistols and two rifles from an undercover FBI confidential informant, federal officials said. In a search of his apartment, officials reported they found it loaded with possible bomb-making equipment including a pressure cooker, a variety of chemicals, an alarm clock, along with “attack planning papers” and “jihad” paperwork. FBI agents said he used the name Abu Ali al-Amriki and neighbors said he was a recent convert to Islam.
Read the Rest at Jihad Watch
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