First off, there is no way to frame this in which the so called “vigilante” (aka MORON who tackled the guy) is in the right here. If you feel so strongly as to go and tackle a perfect stranger (without any provocation), you could have just as easily called 911 and done your “duty” just the same.
Secondly, as a Concealed License Holder, it is irresponsible to “load out” (aka don your holster and weapon) in a public place (like a Wal-Mart parking lot) in full view of people just looking for a reason to yell “He has a Gun!!!” Do the responsible thing and load out in the privacy of your home, before you get in the car. For those of you who do not alway carry a weapon on your person, but choose to carry a weapon in your vehicle (per the Castle Doctrine) the same rules apply: You must always keep the weapon concealed and out of PUBLIC SIGHT, so as not to start a panic.
After all Concealed Carry means just that, Concealed!
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!