I think you have seen by now that this blog is not political in nature. I think you know by now my feelings on the state of this country and it’s current leadership. I will not waste your time whining and/or worrying, and you should do likewise.
My advice to you comes from an old Naval term: HOLD FAST.

The above photo comes from one of my favorite movies, “Master and Commander”, it shows an old salty naval crewman getting ready to do battle with the French Man-o-War the Acheron. In this scene, the old salt flashes his knuckle tattoo’s to a young officer whose pre-combat fears were obvious.
Hold Fast (v): stick to firmly; form a chemical bond with; stick or hold together and RESIST separation.
As CO’s with common interest, we must all stick together. If ever there were a dividing line in the sand, it is now gents. I am not just talking political ideology either, I am talking about literal SURVIVAL.
Hold FAST and Stay Dangerous.