This happened in Brazil. The undercover cop was paying a bill when the perp walked in..just goes to show, when everybody might have a gun, crime has a good chance of being stopped before it starts.
Some things to Note:
(Since there is no audio, I am guessing from body language on some parts)
- As soon as cop sees the gun, he gets off the X (line of attack) and at same time starts accessing weapon on his strong side (The cop is a southpaw, so he draws with left hand). Stepping back while drawing gains a key component in a gunfight: DISTANCE..keeping the perp at arms reach distance ensures retention of weapon and give cop time to react
- Since perps attention is elsewhere, the Cop WAITS until he has a good shot (sight picture) which includes making sure the bystander in the green shirt is clear..This tell’s me this cop has been in a scrap or two! It was not until the perp squared up to the cop that he made the shot…this explemifies DISCRETIONARY SHOOTING.
- Using the “What If he had done this…” If the perp had been paying more attention to the cop and centered in on the cop’s gun, we would have seen a much different scenario unfold, the cop would not have had the luxury of time in waiting for the perp to turn and be able to access his gun sights..the cop would have been moving and shooting, not seeing his sights the same as he did in the vid…the Gun Sight “Continuum” in action. When do we use our pistol sights? When we have too (distance) and when we can (time).
- Cop fires one time, center of mass and closes distance to disarm.
The Cop followed the perp with his pistol to the ground, and kept the pistol body indexed and ready for a follow up shot..this is FOLLOW THRU.
- I did not see an exit wound, which I can only guess is because perp was shot with hollow point ammunition..we will go deep into this subject next month.
- At the end of the vid, you can see the perp’s chest rise and fall rapidly as his lungs fill with blood..he dies a short time later. This is the reality of combat. People just dont die from “a gunshot wound” they die when you pierce an organ or artery with a bullet and they bleed out or their lungs fill with blood and they drown first.
- The distance of this shoot was around 6-7 feet..that is FEET guys, not YARDS. This goes right along statistically with the distance most handgun engagements happen. The devastating power of a handgun round at this distance is clearly seen.
The cop SCANS left when new person approaches…which is so key. Scan on new movement and be AWARE of surroundings!
I think these types of vids put the caliber debates to rest..when somebody shoots you in the chest at 6 ft with good defense are as good as done.
So, using logic, Shot placement and Distance are often the two determining factors to surviving a gunfight. If you can move off the line of attack (gain distance) and move quickly to cover (Cover is something that will STOP a bullet), your chances of getting hit decrease dramatically.
There is alot we can learn from this one minute of video..some things we have already discussed and some things we are yet to discuss. Learn from them..Question them..Ask yourself, “Would I be ready to do the same thing if this happened to me??”
In upcoming articles, we will be reverse engineering everyday shooting scenario vids (like these) and break them down to the molecule, so we can learn as much as humanly possible from the mistakes made and the wisdom shown.
Stay Dangerous!!
and the Hunt Continues……..
“just goes to show, when everybody might have a gun, crime has a good chance of being stopped before it starts”
This video is right on the rough edge but if every wanna be armed thief saw this video first, I think we would see a few less armed robberies.
Maybe I will write my Congressman and Senators, urging them to make these type of videos mandatory viewing in Penitentary’s, Jails and High Schools..maybe we could do a PSA also..I even have part of the monologue for it: “The next time you think about robbing somebody, consider they might have a gun…this guy didn’t…” (loop the perp getting shot a few times and falling to the floor…maybe photo shop some blood splatter on the wall’s)..I don’t know; just throwing it out there, I mean after all, this is a “Visual, You Tube” generation, right?