Tag: White Identity
Race Reality: Before Maytag was Good Ole’ Fashioned White Man Ingenuity
Know Your Real Civil War History: Pushing Back Against the Indoctrination
Pushing Back Against the Indoctrination It seems that we are regularly bombarded by attacks upon Southern heritage, history, Confederate flags and monuments, and often hear such ignorant comments as, “Confederates were traitors,” “Democrats are the party of slavery, racism, and the KKK,” and the favorite one, “the Civil War was fought to free the…
Attention White Men: Time to Get Your Rhodesia On
Rhodesia and What Could Have Been Don Shift Sends: SHTF Lessons from Rhodesia Rhodesia’s Death, Europe’s Funeral
White Genocide: UK University Removes ‘Anglo-Saxon’ From Curriculum
UK University Removes ‘Anglo-Saxon’ From Curriculum Jewish controlled Academia continues it’s Damnatio Memoriae crusade against ANGLO-SAXON WHITE history.
Survival of the White Race PSA
H/T Scott
Another British Multi-Cultural Reality Check
British father pushing a baby stroller nearly murdered by a gang of violent blacks The pack of bastard chimps attacked this young father and his infant on the street, nearly killing him. The possibility these savages could have hurt or killed the infant makes me shudder with RAGE. Typical liberal “Diversity is our Strength”…
Anti-White Anarcho Tyranny is the New Norm
UK: Mother of 5 Gets 26 Months in Jail for Throwing Can at Cops Boy the anti-white wanker legal system in the FORMER Great Britain (FGB) are on a roll. First they jail a man for 3 Years for posting Memes, now they are throwing a mother of five in Prison for two years…
Reject Modernity
VDARE is No More!
Direct Link VDare, one of the strongest opponents to anti-white legislation in the U.S. and proponents of immigration reform has been shut down. This should be a wake-up call to everybody reading this! This corrupt anti-white, ZOG/Globalist infested System of Government wants to eliminate every last one of us! They want to not only…