Tag: Prepping
We’ve Lost Another Survival Tool
We’ve Lost Another Survival Tool I’ve mentioned that back in July, the FDA closed the legal loophole that allowed folks to purchase veterinary antibiotics without a prescription. Many companies have ignored the law change and continued to sell the “veterinary” antibiotics. Those companies got a warning letter from the FDA recently and I don’t…
Think Well Rounded Preparation Efficiency!
Tower and Antenna Search
H/T Lenny Ladner Antenna Search Know your Area of Operations! Locate local Comm and Radio towers, specifically 5G, and mark them on your AO map. DIY Hard Copy Maps HERE.
County-Comm 2023 Fall Review
My friends over at County-Comm sent me a small “goodie bag” with a few items from their new Fall Catalog I wanted to share with you guys. Pick Yours up Today! PryX Tactical Gentleman’s Titanium Multi – Tool The PryX Tactical Gentleman’s Titanium Multi – Tool is the perfect companion to keep on…
Hunting PSA
Plenty of Whitetail Deer and an Overpopulation of Feral Hogs where I live, two of the most high caloric game meats around. Archery Seasons begins in Texas 9/30. In the words of The Nuge’ (Ted Nugent) it’s time to Whack em’ and Stack em’ and fill those Deep Freezers! Don’t Depend on Grocery…
Edible Wild Plants
Edible Wild Plants: 25 Wild Plants You Can Eat to Survive in the Wild This article is from 2018 but is a really good reference to have. Save it to a flash drive and print it out for your SHTF Binder.
Prepping 101: Genny Basics
What Size Generator Do I Need For My House Some folks had a few questions about Portable Generators since my last post so I wanted to throw this out there. The main thing you need to understand about using Portable Generators is calculating BEFOREHAND the WATTAGE PULL of the appliances you are needing to…
DIY Solar Ovens
H/T WRSA How to Make a Solar Oven in 7 Simple Steps Good Rule of Thumb: Germs Cannot Grow at 145 Degrees F Water is Pasteurized at 170 Degrees F Most Foods will cook at 180 Degrees F Water Boils at 212 Degrees F